Chris Kendall will be back for FFF 2016!
It is really important to the Fresh Food Festival in Denmark that we book the speakers you want to see. Therefore we sent out a survey earlier this year and the results are now in. Since then we have been working hard on getting the speakers from the top of your wish list and we are very happy to announce that your number one wish – Chris Kendall will be back for the 2016 festival.
Chris Kendall is known as the Banana Commander and is a registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN). He is an amazing chef, speaker and personality with lots of years of experience when it come to raw foods and healthy living. Besides being a raw food chef his is also a raw food lifestyle coach, a dedicated skateboarder and a yoga teacher.
He has been the head chef the past two years but this year he will do a lot more talks and food demos. He will still be the head chef for dinner but this year we wanted to give him more time outside the kitchen to share his amazing knowledge and culinary skills.
Remember that we have a ‘Super early bird’ offer that ends on December 1st. 2015. If you get this offer you can get the entire festival for only 3.198 kr. including food, accommodation, lectures and activities. That is 307 kr cheaper than the normal Early Bird and almost 800 kr. less than our normal price which starts April 1st. So if you want to attend the festival it doesn’t get any cheaper that this. Check out all the festival prices HERE or get you super early bird ticket today at Billetto here: